20th September 2024

Search Broughton & Old Dalby Parish Council

Serving the people of Nether Broughton, Old Dalby, Queensway, Six Hills and surrounding farms

Important news: A606 closed at Broughton Hill

A landslip on the A606 Nottingham to Melton Road at Broughton Hill has disrupted traffic since 21st June 2016. Diversion signs are in operation and direct traffic along Six Hills Lane, the A6006 and the A46.

Update Wednesday 6th July 2016

The road remains open to SOUTHBOUND traffic only. Northbound traffic is directed along Six Hills Lane, the A6006 and the A46. Leicestershire Highways are reviewing the situation daily and have arranged a meeting with the landowner to discuss options for a long term solution. It does not look like the northbound carriageway will be opened in the near future

We will endeavour to keep the information posted here current as we receive it.

Previous Updates

Update Thursday 30th June 2016:

Temporary vertical concrete barriers have been installed to protect passing traffic allowing the SOUTHBOUND carriageway to be opened. Unfortunately, we do not know when the northbound side will be opened. A team of officers at LCC are working on a permanent solution with a clear objective to open the road as soon as possible. Further information should be available early next week. In the meantime, clearer signage of the diversion route will be erected to minimise traffic on minor roads and in our villages and to direct traffic to local business which remain open.

Update, Monday 27th June 2016:

Structural engineers continue to monitor the situation but there is still movement of material and the embankment remains unstable. Further assessments will take place during the week. It is hoped that the southbound carriageway (towards Melton) could be opened this Thursday, but this will be dependent on findings during the week. The northbound carriageway is likely to remain closed for some time while further assessments are made on the stability of the slope.

Posted: Fri, 24 Jun 2016 16:11 by Jerzy Schmidt

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