16th September 2024

Search Broughton & Old Dalby Parish Council

Serving the people of Nether Broughton, Old Dalby, Queensway, Six Hills and surrounding farms

March 2016

The Parish is now a designated area for a Neighbourhood Plan and work to produce our plan has started!

Neighbourhood Plan Open Event Meetings in Old Dalby Village Hall, Queensway Scout Hut and Nether Broughton Village Hall were held on 12th March 2016. Leaflets had been delivered to all residents and business in the Parish inviting them to these events which outlined what a Neighbourhood Plan is, how is it produced and how can it help us control development in our local area. As part of the event, residents were asked for their initial opinions on a number of topics and responses will be taken into consideration when formulating the plan. Overall 76 members of the public attended and we received many useful comments and suggestions.

An Advisory Committee has been formed, which will oversee the process. Members include parish councillors and residents. However we are keen to add representatives from local businesses so if anybody from this sector is interested in joining the Advisory Committee, please contact the clerk. The Parish Council has also appointed YourLocale to help us professionally.

The Advisory committee is now meeting regularly (see the council meeting calendar) and three theme groups have also been formed which also meet regularly (also listed in the meetings calendar). The theme groups cover:

  • Housing and the Built Environment
  • Open Spaces and Environment
  • Economic Growth, CommunityFacilities and Transport

Community consultation started in March 2016 before the formation of the Advisory committee with a drop in session to introduce the concept of a Neighbourhood Plan, get some initial comments on topics from the community and ask for volunteers for the Advisory committee and theme groups. Throughout the autumn of 2016, an open consultation using the VocalEyes website gathered additional community feedback the output of which was used to formulate planning policies and potential community actions for the Plan. These policies were put to the community in further drop in sessions in Old Dalby, Queensway and Nether Broughton in February 2017.

Your Advisory Committee

The Neighbourhood Plan Advisory Committee (NPAC) is a subcommittee of the Parish Council comprising of members of the Parish Council and volunteers from the community who have given up their time to help the Parish Council produce our Neighbourhood Plan.

As a subcommittee of the Parish Council, all members have to have signed a Register of Interests and abide by the Parish Councils Code of Conduct. Meeting of the NPAC have to follow the same rules as Parish Council meetinngs in that they are open to public and have to publish their agenda an minutes.

It's purpose to the oversee the production of the Neighbourhood Plan. Much of the work of gathering evidence for the Plan and writing sections of the Plan is done by theme groups, each led by a member of the Advisory Committee and containing more volunteers! The NPAC co-ordinates the work, combines the output of the theme groups and with the help of external consultants with expertise in neighbourhood plans, produces the final version.

Simon Proffitt (Chair)

Jerzy Schmidt* (Vice Chair)

Kym Barratt

Duncan Bennett*

Graham Burton*

Phil Dorn*

John Harper

Sam Jones-Burton

Dan Wade*

Gary Kirk (YourLocale, our consultants)

Lucy Flavin (Clerk to the NPAC, also clerk to the Parish Council)

* Indicates also a member of the Parish Council

September 2016

At the end of September, leaflets introducing the members of the Advisory group and summarising progress so far are being delivered to all properties in the Parish. These will be followed up by a visit from representatives from the Neighbourhood Plan Advisory Committee and / or Theme groups to canvas how you would like to be kept informed.

November 2016

During November the volunteers on the 3 Theme Groups (Environment, Housing and Facilities & Infrastructure) are continuing to work hard to gather information, develop ideas and draft written plans and potential policies.

Parishioners are being asked for their ideas and comments based on 10 topics, either through the VocalEyes computer system (vocaleyes.org/gll5e) or by completing a paper form.

During December and January the first draft of the written Neighbourhood Plan will be created.There will then be a consultation period during February and March when Parishioners will be invited to read and comment on the draft Plan before it is amended and then submitted to Melton Borough Council.Subject to successful independent examination of the Plan in June and July, it should be finalised and adopted by October 2017.

December 2016

Our team of volunteers, together with the consultants from Yourlocale, are continuing to gather information and to draft sections of the written Neighbourhood Plan document.

This should be ready for the open consultation events around the parish which we hope you will attend on Saturday 11 February to give us your feedback and help develop the Plan.

In the meantime, we thought you would like to see and comment upon the first draft of sections on Background, Vision and Objectives.

Hence, please review the attached document and let us know what you think by replying by email to the clerk.

It would be particularly helpful if anyone who knows a lot about the history and geography of the parish could verify the information contained in the Background section. However, please bear in mind that this is intended to be a very brief overview not a full account!

We look forward to hearing from you.

January 2017

All residents of the Parish as well as any person with a stake in Parish (such as land owners or those operating a business in the Parish) are invited to our OPEN CONSULTATION EVENT on SATURDAY 11TH FEBRUARY 2017 to find out and comment on the draft Neighbourhood Plan policies for Broughton and Old Dalby Parish

We will be presenting at THREE LOCATIONS:

10am-12noon Nether Broughton Village Hall

1pm - 3pm Old Dalby Village Hall

4pm - 6pm Queensway Scout Hut

These are drop in events where you will have the chance to view display boards which will summarise progress to date, talk with members of the Advisory Committee and provide us with your comments. You are welcome to attend at any of the locations, so if you can't make the one in your village, please feel free to attend at one of the other halls.

For those who cannot make this date, there will be a supplementary drop in event at Old Dalby Village Hall on Saturday 25th February 10am - 12noon

April 2017

The Regulation 14 Consultation on the pre-submission version of the Neighbourhood Plan commences on 18.04.2017 and closes on 30.05.2017. The Neighbourhood Plan Advisory Committee is inviting people who live and work in the area to read the draft plan and comment on it prior to the document being finalised. Your comments will influence the final draft before it is submitted to Melton Borough Council.

A copy of the draft Plan and the pre-submission Comments Form are available during this consultation phase on this website and in paper form at the Old Dalby Village Hall, the Nether Broughton Village Hall and the Queensway Scout Hut.

July 2017

Regulation 16 Consultation

The Nether Broughton and Old Dalby Neighbourhood Plan has been submitted to Melton Borough Council.

In accordance with the associated Regulations, Melton Borough Council are conducting a Regulation 16 consultation commencing on the 20th July, Concluding on the 30th August 2017.

To access further information about this process or to make a comment please use the web link below.

September 2017

Melton Borough Council conducted a Regulation 16 consultation on our Neighbourhood Plan between 20 July and 30 August. The responses can be viewed on the MBC website using the link below.

An independent examiner has been appointed and it is anticipated that our NP examination will occur during October. MBC and the Parish Council will then consider the examiner's report and the NP document will be amended as required.

The final stage in the process of developing our Neighbourhood Plan is for MBC to organise a referendum for residents to vote on whether they wish this to be adopted. This is likely to happen in January.

Last updated: Tue, 18 Dec 2018 10:21